Saturday, December 28, 2019

Murders of Czar Nicholas II of Russia and His Family

The tumultuous reign of Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia, was tarnished by his ineptitude in both foreign and domestic affairs that helped to bring about the Russian Revolution. The Romanov Dynasty, which had ruled Russia for three centuries, came to an abrupt and bloody end in July 1918, when Nicholas and his family, who had been held under house arrest for more than a year, were brutally executed by Bolshevik soldiers. Who Was Nicholas II? Young Nicholas, known as the tsesarevich, or heir apparent to the throne, was born on May 18, 1868, the first child of Czar Alexander III and Empress Marie Feodorovna. He and his siblings grew up in Tsarskoye Selo, one of the residences of the imperial family located outside of St. Petersburg. Nicholas was schooled not only in academics, but also in gentlemanly pursuits such as shooting, horsemanship, and even dancing. Unfortunately, his father, Czar Alexander III, did not devote a great deal of time to preparing his son to one day become the leader of the massive Russian Empire. As a young man, Nicholas enjoyed several years of relative ease, during which he embarked upon world tours and attended countless parties and balls. After seeking a suitable wife, he became engaged to Princess Alix of Germany in the summer of 1894. But the carefree lifestyle that Nicholas had enjoyed came to an abrupt end on November 1, 1894, when Czar Alexander III died of nephritis (a kidney disease). Virtually overnight, Nicholas II—inexperienced and ill-equipped for the task—became the new czar of Russia. The period of mourning was briefly suspended on November 26, 1894, when Nicholas and Alix were married in a private ceremony. The following year, daughter Olga was born, followed by three more daughters—Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia—over a period of five years. (The long-awaited male heir, Alexei, would be born in 1904.) Delayed during the long period of formal mourning, Czar Nicholas coronation was held in May 1896. But the joyous celebration was marred by a horrible incident when 1,400 revelers were killed during a stampede at Khodynka Field in Moscow. The new czar, however, refused to cancel any of the ensuing celebrations, giving the impression to his people that he was indifferent to the loss of so many lives. Growing Resentment of the Czar In a series of further missteps, Nicholas proved himself unskilled in both foreign and domestic affairs. In a 1903 dispute with the Japanese over territory in Manchuria, Nicholas resisted any opportunity for diplomacy. Frustrated by Nicholas refusal to negotiate, the Japanese took action in February 1904, bombing Russian ships in the harbor at Port Arthur in southern Manchuria. The Russo-Japanese War continued for another year and a half and ended with the czars forced surrender in September 1905. Given a large number of Russian casualties and the humiliating defeat, the war failed to draw the support of the Russian people. Russians were dissatisfied about more than just the Russo-Japanese War. Inadequate housing, poor wages, and widespread hunger among the working class created hostility toward the government. In protest of their abysmal living conditions, tens of thousands of protestors marched peacefully upon the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg on January 22, 1905. Without any provocation from the crowd, the czars soldiers opened fire on the protestors, killing and wounding hundreds. The event came to be known as Bloody Sunday, and further stirred up anti-czarist sentiment among the Russian people. Although the czar was not at the palace at the time of the incident, his people held him responsible. The massacre enraged the Russian people, leading to strikes and protests throughout the country, and culminating in the 1905 Russian Revolution. No longer able to ignore his peoples discontent, Nicholas II was forced to act. On October 30, 1905, he signed the October Manifesto, which created a constitutional monarchy as well as an elected legislature, known as the Duma. Yet the czar maintained control by limiting the powers of the Duma and maintaining veto power. Birth of Alexei During that time of great turmoil, the royal couple welcomed the birth of a male heir, Alexei Nikolaevich, on August 12, 1904. Apparently healthy at birth, young Alexei was soon found to be suffering from hemophilia, an inherited condition that causes severe, sometimes fatal hemorrhaging. The royal couple chose to keep their sons diagnosis a secret, fearing it would create uncertainty about the future of the monarchy. Distraught about her sons illness, Empress Alexandra doted upon him and isolated herself and her son from the public. She desperately searched for a cure or any kind of treatment that would keep her son out of danger. In 1905, Alexandra found an unlikely source of help—the crude, unkempt, self-proclaimed healer, Grigori Rasputin. Rasputin became a trusted confidante of the empress because he could do what no one else had been capable of—he kept young Alexei calm during his bleeding episodes, thereby reducing their severity. Unaware of Alexeis medical condition, the Russian people were suspicious of the relationship between the empress and Rasputin. Beyond his role of providing comfort to Alexei, Rasputin had also become an adviser to Alexandra and even influenced her opinions on affairs of state. WWI and the Murder of Rasputin Following the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914, Russia became embroiled in the First World War, as Austria declared war on Serbia. Stepping in to support Serbia, a fellow Slavic nation, Nicholas mobilized the Russian army in August 1914. The Germans soon joined the conflict, in support of Austria-Hungary. Although he had initially received the support of the Russian people in waging a war, Nicholas found that support dwindling as the war dragged on. The poorly-managed and ill-equipped Russian Army—led by Nicholas himself—suffered considerable casualties. Nearly two million were killed over the duration of the war. Adding to the discontent, Nicholas had left his wife in charge of affairs while he was away at war. Yet because Alexandra was German-born, many Russians distrusted her; they also remained suspicious about her alliance with Rasputin. General loathing and mistrust of Rasputin culminated in a plot by several members of the aristocracy to murder him. They did so, with great difficulty, in December 1916. Rasputin was poisoned, shot, then bound and thrown into the river. Russian Revolution and the Czars Abdication All across Russia, the situation grew increasingly desperate for the working class, which struggled with low wages and rising inflation. As they had done before, the people took to the streets in protest of the governments failure to provide for its citizens. On February 23, 1917, a group of nearly 90,000 women marched through the streets of Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg) to protest their plight. These women, many of whose husbands had left to fight in the war, struggled to make enough money to feed their families. The following day, several thousand more protesters joined them. People walked away from their jobs, bringing the city to a standstill. The czars army did little to stop them; in fact, some soldiers even joined the protest. Other soldiers, loyal to the czar, did fire into the crowd, but they were clearly outnumbered. The protestors soon gained control of the city during the February/March 1917 Russian Revolution. With the capital city in the hands of revolutionaries, Nicholas finally had to concede that his reign was over. He signed his abdication statement on March 15, 1917, bringing an end to the 304-year-old Romanov Dynasty. The royal family was allowed to stay on at the Tsarskoye Selo palace while officials decided their fate. They learned to subsist on soldiers rations and to make do with fewer servants. The four girls had all recently had their heads shaved during a bout of measles; oddly, their baldness gave them the appearance of prisoners. Royal Family Exiled to Siberia For a brief time, the Romanovs had hoped they would be granted asylum in England, where the czars cousin, King George V, was reigning monarch. But the plan—unpopular with British politicians who deemed Nicholas a tyrant—was quickly abandoned. By the summer of 1917, the situation in St. Petersburg had become increasingly unstable, with Bolsheviks threatening to overrun the provisional government. The czar and his family were quietly moved to western Siberia for their own protection, first to Tobolsk, then finally to Ekaterinburg. The home where they spent their final days was a far cry from the extravagant palaces they had been accustomed to, but they were grateful to be together. In October 1917, the Bolsheviks, under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, finally gained control of the government following the second Russian Revolution. Thus the royal family also came under the control of the Bolsheviks, with fifty men assigned to guard the house and its occupants. The Romanovs adapted as best they could to their new living quarters, as they awaited what they prayed would be their liberation. Nicholas faithfully made entries in his diary, the empress worked on her embroidery, and the children read books and put on plays for their parents. The four girls learned from the family cook how to bake bread. During June 1918, their captors repeatedly told the royal family that they would soon be moved to Moscow and should be prepared to leave at any time. Each time, however, the trip was delayed and rescheduled for a few days later. Brutal Murders of the Romanovs While the royal family waited for a rescue that would never take place, civil war raged throughout Russia between the Communists and the White Army, which opposed Communism. As the White Army gained ground and headed for Ekaterinburg, the Bolsheviks decided they must act swiftly. The Romanovs must not be rescued. At 2:00 a.m. in the morning on July 17, 1918, Nicholas, his wife, and their five children, along with four servants, were awakened and told to prepare for departure. The group, led by Nicholas, who carried his son, was escorted to a small room downstairs. Eleven men (later reported to have been drunk) came into the room and began firing shots. The czar and his wife were first to die. None of the children died outright, probably because all wore hidden jewels sewn inside their clothing, which deflected the bullets. The soldiers finished the job with bayonets and more gunfire. The grisly massacre had taken 20 minutes. At the time of death, the czar was 50 years old and the empress 46. Daughter Olga was 22 years old, Tatiana was 21, Maria was 19, Anastasia was 17, and Alexei was 13 years old. The bodies were removed, and taken to the site of an old mine, where the executioners did their best to hide the identities of the corpses. They chopped them up with axes, and doused them with acid and gasoline, setting them afire. The remains were buried at two separate sites. An investigation soon after the murders failed to turn up the bodies of the Romanovs and their servants. (For many years afterward, it was rumored that Anastasia, the czars youngest daughter, had survived the execution and was living somewhere in Europe. Several women over the years claimed to be Anastasia, most notably Anna Anderson, a German woman with a history of mental illness. Anderson died in 1984; DNA testing later proved she was not related to the Romanovs.) Final Resting Place of the Romanovs Another 73 years would pass before the bodies were found. In 1991, the remains of nine people were excavated at Ekaterinburg. DNA testing confirmed they were the bodies of the czar and his wife, three of their daughters, and four servants. A second grave, containing the remains of Alexei and one of his sisters (either Maria or Anastasia), was discovered in 2007. Sentiment toward the royal family—once demonized in Communist society—had changed in post-Soviet Russia. The Romanovs, canonized as saints by the Russian Orthodox church, were remembered at a religious ceremony on July 17, 1998 (eighty years to the date of their murders), and reburied in the imperial family vault at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Nearly 50 descendants of the Romanov dynasty attended the service, as did Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Rice Bowl - 2187 Words

While his children were struggling with bridging their two worlds, Otoosan was busy working to support his family during the down turn in the economy and still provide for the well being of his mother and Shigeno in Japan. It was only a year after the Black Thursday that signaled the crash of the stock market that the children had returned to. After World War I, rural America had lost more than 30% of their value, homes foreclosed, factories idle, millions without work, and families in need of basic necessities. Then the Dust Bowls of the Texas and Oklahoma panhandle added more misery to the fading economy. Farms abandoned and Americans from the Midwest started their migration to California seeking to find work or anything to sustain†¦show more content†¦Moreover, there would be no classroom or school janitorial chores or strict dress codes like uniforms that she had to wear in Japan. Here, everyone made do with what the parents could afford during the Depression Years. Throughout these hard times, most everyone brought their lunch and ate in the cafeteria. She was happy that her father could provide money to buy soup with her lunch. It was a pleasing change from hot green tea that the school in Japan provided at lunchtime. Lunch was nothing fancy for they made sandwiches with store bought bread and either spread jam or slap one slice of bologna on it. When fruits were in season, they added whatever was available for their lunch. Sometimes, she wished she could bring a â€Å"hinomaru bento ´ because Okaasan didn’t bake bread. She was beginning to enjoy school in America. One subject that she excelled in the elementary grade was penmanship. She was a stickler for neatness and exactness in writing; her writing was always letter perfect. Even later, people would ooh and aah over her penmanship. When she completed the fifth grade, she moved to the six grade at General Grant School in town. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Hip Hop Music Mirrors All Urban Society free essay sample

From 1950 to the late sasss, social conflicts all over the world encouraged the success of HIP Hop due Its ability to mirror the negative and positive aspects of society, and in doing this, the concept of Hip Hops real lyrics were very easily translated and adopted overseas. To understand Hip Hops ability to migrate around the world, it must be understood what Hip Hop was created out of. First, American Urban society, from the Civil Rights Era until now has matured, creating Hip Hops lyrics in both Its negative recap of the destruction of South Bronx and the new AIDS epidemic and positive reenactment of the solution brought by the Civil Rights Era and the urban society ability to attain wealth. Secondly, after the Cold War and the reconstruction of Europe and Asia, urban societies were more open to accept anything that reflected American culture, especially the idea of a genre that could explain the pain experienced as a result of the Cold War. Lastly, even though lyrics follow the urban societys view on their own situations, many contemplate that the content can be mislead, over exaggerate or Inappropriately describe the nation and Its people. As often as Americans preach the good word of fairness and equality, the American urbanites filling cities Like Chicago, Atlanta and Watts were locked out of the sermon. During what historians call the Civil Rights Era (Timeline: Civil Rights Era 1954-1971), Americans would witness multiple changes in the country history in regards to minorities, especially African Americans.And to truly understand the lyrical significance of Hip Hop, it is imperative that the history leading up to the beginning of Hip Hop. Take year 1 956, this Is not only the same year Clive Campbell, he father of Hip Hop was born, but also the year that the Supreme Court found the segregation of the Montgomery Buses as an unconstitutional practice (Timeline: Call Rights Era 1954-1971). And from that year on, that generation would enter into their teenage years witnessing the creation of greatest label known to Black society during that time: Mouton, the Woolworth Sit-ins, the 1965 Watts Riot and the death of two political figures who were known to be the most influential African Americans alive: Martin Luther King Jar. And Malcolm X. By the time of both mens deaths, It is 1968 and hat generation is old enough to comprehend their environment and the lasting effects it would have on them as individuals.The African American children who lived in South Bronx, which is known as Hip Hops birth place, were influenced by much more than the national issues of Civil Injustice and the end of the Vietnam War. In the late 1960, the state government of New York ordered the bussing of inner city kids out of the South Bronx and Into the suburban areas. Worried about the late arrivals of their children after school, many parents In South Bronx moved out Into hose suburban areas res ulting In a large number vacancy In the South Bronx.On top of that, New York City is known for its rent control which gave building owners no incentive to improve their building, which resulted in more vacancies. With these two factors increasing the amount of vacancies and the economy of South Bronx deteriorating, the government blindly created thirty five story high housing developments for low income citizens. Now that the housing developments have the market value was decrease more drastically when the state decided to concentrate the welfare households, making South Bronx home to thousands of lifer recipients.Then, by increasing the lump payments by more than two thousand dollars for low income tenants to move in, South Bronx became not only a borough of welfare recipients but a place where poverty ran ramped. And poverty didnt end there. During all of this, the personal and business taxes were increasing. This, unfortunately, resulted in the self inflicted destruction of South Bronx. Business and Home owners began burning their own property as a way to escape with some financial stability. (City on a hill.The South Bronx: From Urban Planning Victim to Victor) Fortune magazines Herbert Meyer wrote an article about the South Bronx entitled, How the Government helped ruin the South Bronx, which describes the South Bronx as a human hellhole. It is reported in only five short years (City on a hill. The South Bronx: From Urban Planning Victim to Victor), due to the arsenal business and home owners starting and causing 68,456 fires (Yuan), South Bronx was filled with poor minorities who were economically and socially trapped.By this time, it is 1975 and the generations responsible for Hip Hop are now in their late teens and early twenties. They lived in those housing developments and not only did they witness the deaths of Martin Luther King Jar. And Malcolm X but they watched as their own state government abandoned them. This created Hip Hop. Its lyrical content was cocky but more importantly, bluntly honest. They talked about their clothes, their neighborhoods, the cops, but they offered the nation the opportunity to hear how the generation that endured grew up during that Civil Rights era felt about their own existence.Some microphone controllers, also called Masc., rapped about fighting the powers that be (Public Enemy Fight the Power) but it couldnt be ignored the heroically content of sasss The Message. Grand Master Flash, one of the pioneers in the genre known as Hip Hop wrote his song Message giving the world lines like, Dont push me, cause close to the edge. Im trying not to loose my head. Its like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under, where he descriptively narrated about his life in the Bronx.Even though African Americans are increasing their financial incomes and attending universities at a higher percentage (African American History Month: February 2006), they also, unfortunately, have the shiest reported percentage of HIVE/AIDS cases (Fact Sheet: HIVE/AIDS among African Americans) and collectively are more poor than any other race in US (2006 Census Poverty and Income Data). Reacting to this major change in urban society where Hip Hop was created, the lyrical content changed to reflect that.As forty nine percent of the African American Community suffer from HIVE/AIDS (Fact Sheet: HIVE/AIDS among African Americans) in addition to having the highest poverty percentage among any race, the artist Common mentions the effect of AIDS and the poverty issue plaguing African American society in his song Misunderstood released this past summer. Evidently the lyrical content of Hip Hop directly mirrors urban American society.On an international scale, the social and economic despair was caused by most of Rupees inability to repair itself fast enough after the Cold War and their own civil disputes. Cold War, which happened during the 1945 through 1960, affected the entire world individually. As late at 1990, Europe still saw the immediate aftermath of area were that the once isolated areas would be swarmed by civilians wanted a deter life (Gumball), which resembled Americas issues with immigration being that Nearly half of all Americans believe[d] that the nation accepts too many immigrants (Flowed). Specifically in the United Kingdom, they were not only experiences the rebirth of their nation, but enduring the after effects of the 1965 Race Relations Act and the devastating South London riots (Commanding Heights: The United Kingdom Rule of Law). The South London riots occurred only three years before Americas Los Angels Riots, but the same year they adopted their Race Relations Act, Malcolm X was assassinated. It is evident that this period was very important for the minority community both in America and in the United Kingdom, which is the reason the United Kingdom has always been open to adopt American music.The Japans, on the other hand, wanted to be like the Asian America. After the Cold War, Japan reassessed its security policy, mirroring the American policy on international policy (The United States and Japan after the Cold War). During the end of the sasss, the Japanese youth were evolving into themselves. They are described as individualists and expressionists (Sukiyaki) . This may have been a result of what some historians call the Lost Decade. During this decade, economic expansion halted and unemployment rose significantly Pan History The sass (the lost decade)).Now, as Japan is one of the most economically successful countries in the world, Hip Hop has grown into its own. Internationally, the lyrics truly speak to the Worlds youth. For example, the lyrics of Hip Hop communicate to the youth at such an alarming rate that the United Nations Youth Assembly invited the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council to participate in the 4th Annual Youth Assembly (Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council Partners with Friendship Ambassadors Foundation and United Nations Member Countries to Support 4th Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations).The UN member countries that are sponsoring this event are Bosnia, Herringbone, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Republic of Argentina, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Turkey, Northern Ireland, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, pro ving that Hip Hop is being used as an international tool to reach todays youth (Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council Partners with Friendship Ambassadors Foundation and United Nations Member Countries to Support 4th Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations). Turning on the TV, blasting the radio or even surfing the internet will definitely result in seeing something Hip Hop related. From HP commercials to Don Emus and his comment about nappy headed hoes, Hip Hops creativity and sometimes vulgarity can be seen any and everywhere. This is definitely the case when Don Emus, a famous American television and radio host, was quoted referring to the Rutgers Womens Basketball team as nappy headed hoes, resulting in his temporary dismissal from CBS (CBS Fires Don Emus Over Racial Slur). In response, Russell Simmons, founder of Deaf Jam Recordings, calls for radio to bleep out ho, bitchy and Amiga (Adages).When it comes to censorship, he believes artists should Voluntarily show respect to African Americans and other people of color, African American women and to all women in lyrics and images. .. (Adages). In the I-J, the Black Music Congress has even gone so as to create An ethical code for the British black music industry to tackle the increasing use of offensive lyrics. .. Joseph). For censorship is not an option. When was mentioned to American rapper T. L. He replies l know the a-word, the H-word and the N-word are the words under attack right now. And I dont know if you know it or not, people, but there are pitches, insignias and whos who live in America. And as long as that fact exists, I think rappers deserve the right to talk about it. (Mitchell). In regards to the violence in lyrics, American rapper 50 cent spoke with Billboard explaining that Music is a mirror and hip-hop is a reflection of the environment we grew up in, the harsh realities (Mitchell). And as this reality is lived only for a minority of the worlds population, global acceptance ofHip Hops lyrics will always be a conflicting issue, but it will remain a trend that continues to grow as the generations adopt it. Due to the worlds history and the youths ability to evolve around it, Hip Hop has been the communication tool to express their concerns to the world. Whether those concerns are about the great economic progress of the overall minority community in America or the horrific deaths resulting from the historic yet still relevant religious wars in the Middl e East, the lyrical content tell it all. Its Easier to Promote MS Late than Nominee Love In their prime, which would be the late asss and early asss, Auks Nominee Love was the equivalent to Brooklyn MS Late. Now days, MS Late is touring the US, installing friends into the Hip Hop Hall of fame and hosting the AIDS Responsibility Project in Toronto (MS Late High Lutes), while Nominee Love loses her position as a radio host with 100. 3 The Beat in Philadelphia (DC/On Air Staff.Examples of the long term success of I-J Hip Hop versus Hip Hop in the US dont usually come through this clear, especially when it comes to promoting the music. To make this point easily nonviable, keep this in mind: If the lyrics are an image of urban society, then a Hip Hop artist is the wall length mirror, making everything seem relatively smaller than it would appear in real life. It is smaller in the sense that its lyrics are watered down to hinder an International Don Emus-like scandal.And with both UK and US Hip Hop being graded by its radio-frien dly demeanor, it is still harder to promote a Hip Hop artist from the I-J in the UK if its major competition is a rapper whose fame was sought in the US due to the concept referring to the dramatic loss being affected y the development of notably rap, hip hop and R. .. (Make or break Supporting: UK music in the USA) and the Auks inability to compete (Make or break Supporting: UK music in the USA).First, the evidence is in radio play; American famed artists hit Auks top ten more frequently than an artist from the country would. Secondly, in regards to MET, US artists are more visible than UK artists as a direct relation to their Billboard performance. And lastly, based on information found about and on the topic of Taskmaster, British venues are selling American hip hop artists at a higher rice than the British Hip Hop artist, making it financially encouraging to find innovative ways to sell more tickets.In the August 1 lath issue of Billboard, out of the five American-famed artist that sit in the top 10 1-J singles (Gauge 1 lath: Hits of the World: I-J), three are in the Billboard Hot 100 (August 1 lath: The Billboard Hot 100). Two weeks later, American-famed artists took over by taking six of the ten top spots (Gauge 25th: Hits of the World: I-J). This shouldnt be a surprise. International and Paul Brindled of the British Council know this well. The gentleman report that the US S the worlds most dominant music market. .. , making it easy for American artist to move from country to country (Make or break Supporting: UK music in the USA).As far as the UK is concerned, the concept of American culture isnt what pulls their consumers in to buy American rapper Kenya Wests new album because the UK has always been a supporter of America and its culture, whether it be political or social. It is the lyrical content. And it should not be hard to grasp that if the American-famed artists are taking a majority of the Billboard top spots, then I-J radio play is in favor of American hip hop. Other than radio, American hip hop artists are searched at a higher rate than British Hip Hop artists. Take MET.On their most popular searches, for weeks at a time, seven out of the eight popular searches listed where American (Popular Searches). What is more astounding is that six of those where either hip hop artists or shows that play hip hop music (Popular Searches). Now, believing that an artist is famous due to the relevancy of the lyrical content, then these artists must be affecting the culture of the I-J. If MET is the channel for the young, then the young must be accepting American problems expressed by these American Artists as those of their own. In other words, American and British youth relate to each other.And because this is true, promoting the American artist resembles a foreign delicacy whose concept isnt so foreign. So if an artist does well with his radio play and goes to MET, he is expected to go on tour, where he will receive most of his income. As a music lover would, the British consumer would go onto Taskmaster and see that twenty out of thirty-nine Hip Hop shows are those with British Artists (Taskmaster). And how do the prices vary? Indeed they do. For British Hip Hop artists, a consumer wouldnt have to pay any more than twenty Euros, while their American counterparts go for way past twenty Euros (Taskmaster).Now, Taskmaster has Jumped onto a new promotional idea brought to the I-J, which is targeted at the younger generation: Mobile. This company has dedicated itself to mobile phone ticketing and has seen extreme success after achieving .. . The worlds largest ever use of mobile ticketing with over 20,000 tickets for general admission At the 02 Wireless Festivals in London and Leeds Lully 2006 Mobile Newsletter). Now, it s reported that .. . Taskmaster has now announced that they are to roll out mobile ticketing to all of their I-J clients Lully 2006 Mobile Newsletter).With tickets being sold up to the very last minute to increase sales, Taskmaster will be able to sell more at a faster rate Lully 2006 Mobile Newsletter). And it seems silly to announce that Taskmaster will push the American Hip Hop artists at a higher rate due to their popularity and financial success. Any market that harbors American Hip Hop will succeed for multiple reasons. First, the American culture is widely accepted all over the world. Also, the American market share for Hip Hop music is huge in comparison to its foreign competitors, making it a sure money-maker.So in comparison to the British competitor, who is in a market that the British Council admits suffered a major loss during Hip Hops prime (Make or break Supporting: UK music in the USA), American Hip Hop had no choice but to succeed and dominate radio and television while causing change in the way performances are being marketed and sold. The Youth of Japan take the Promotion of American Hip Hop without a Fight The over Americanization themselves, they have adopted American hip hop and its artist hill promoting and accepting their own Hip Hop artists at a larger scale, unlike the I-J.This is proven by one major fact: Japan has a plethora of Hip Hop artist who relate to the Japanese population lyrically and receive much better radio play than that of British hip hop artists in the I-J. With relatively any crime and absolutely no poverty Pan Information), its no wonder Japanese cant identify with American Hip Hop. So the Japanese created their version of Hip Hop. And its selling. l never thought there would be a time when Japanese records could outsell American ones UT its happening, explains a store manager from Tokyo Pan grows its own hip- hop).In fact, while observing that Americans dominated the I-J charts, it was also observed that Americans were not present on the Japanese charts at all (Hits of the World: Japan). And there is no Taskmaster, but there are multiple sites dedicated to that service. These sites did not translate to English, but it was evident that their most popular performers, who would be on the home page, were not American. So even though American music, specifically Hip Hop, do well in Japan, the market is turning more isolated every day. And due to this isolation, only huge stars, like Jay Z or legend Run DAM, would be profitable touring there. Worldwide Glimpse Since 2002, record sales have been declining and they have stopped nose-diving yet (Global sales of recorded music down 7% in 2002). And as Hip Hop matures lyrically, its consumer base widens to accommodate the mature lyrical content, which should hopefully stabilize the decrease. But as the world adopts this genre as their own, the trend of lyrics explaining the grief of urban and young society will continue and mature as the genre is mastered and marketing successfully.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Impact of IT in Global Economic-

Question: Discuss about the Impact and opportunities of IT in Global Economic Context. Answer: Introduction The term cloud computing funds initiated to form a base in early 90. The basic idea behind this concept was to clearly distinguish and define the infrastructure as well as the mechanisms that any system composition is made up of with different applications and setup. The concepts of clouds are designed in a manner that easily becomes scalable, be always present as well as reduces the cost of operations (Hashizume et al., 2013). Literature review Security It is important to note here that the manner in which there is a possibility to handle the security with the proper access to the systems. However, because of the basic nature of the assets is distributed and the risk associated with assets security also vary, entirely depend on the assets in usage, management of those assets with control mechanisms utilized along with the places where it is located and in the end who are people that consumes those assets. In addition, in the early time it was also mentioned the existence of multi-tenancy (Ahmed and Hossain, 2014). This further means that it includes the different resource working with the proper segmentation planning and the billing. To calculate the security concerns along with the concept of cloud provider and their offers has to be right; it is important base the research on maturity, completeness, effectiveness of the risk that can be adjusted with varied security controls that this concept implements. The concern of security can also be implemented at one or sometime more than one levels. (Almorsy et al., 2016). In addition, security can also take place at much higher level with right people, processes and duties. It is also important at this point to have clarity of the different level security accountabilities that CPs and what an end user has. Sometimes different CPs is surrounded by different security based accountabilities. Security benefits Following are the detailed discussion of the security benefits that arise because of the use of cloud computing: - The benefit of scale and security: while executing security on a huge system, the overall costs for its execution is actually shared all platforms and as an outcome, the overall investment end up being more impactful along with cost saving. Market differentiators in security: since the concept of integrity, confidentiality and resilience is important and treated as priority for many end users, the overall decision on whether to choose one CP over another is made based on the overall reputation that CP has on security challenges. Therefore, competition among CPs is common and further made them provide with services on high level (Modi et al., 2013). Interface is standardized for managing security services: the concept usually uses a standardized interface in order to properly manage the level of security based services for cloud computing market in order to gain advantages from uniform and well evaluated outcomes that are introduced to them. Smart level of scaling for the resources: the concept of cloud computing is also considered to be well resilient since it has the capacity to properly reallocate the resources in order to filter, shaping of the traffic and encryption and authentication. Gathering the evidence and right auditing techniques: because of the existence of virtualization that is used to accomplish the concept of Cloud computing, it is easy to collect all the information related to audits that people require to proceed with right kind of analysis in forensic without any kind of downtime at the time of gathering the process (Stojmenovic and Wen, 2014). Effective, timely and impactful updates: the concept of cloud computing gain advantages from the concept of virtualization in the present virtual based machines that can be timely patched and it get hardened with all the latest updates. In case of fault on configuration or disaster can be caused by transformation made on VM and one must also rollback to last state of stability. Advantages of resource concentration: by having all the resources focusing to make the service less cheap in order to maintain and permit the access in physical space to make it much easier (Hashem et al., 2015). Security risks Following are the risks in cloud computing: - Loss in governance: as a user, it is important to understand the physicality possessed by any kind of resources and the concept therefore can take proper control on number of other resources as well. When those kinds of resources are not properly covered here, the risk in security arises. Lock-in: this is a fact that there is no standardization on the concept of moving data as well as resources among diverse CPs. This further means that a user should take decision to move from a CP to any other or even in order to migrate to different services in-house and sometimes impossible to do so because of number of incompatibilities that exist between different parties. This further develops a sense of dependency of the users to a specific CP (Kshetri, 2013). Failure in Isolation: one of the biggest disadvantages of the shared resources along with multi-tenancy occurs especially when the resource in isolation methods fails to divide the resources among different users. That can also happen either because of an attack or because of a design of poor mechanism. In the current day, attacks of the types are rarely compared with the traditional one. However, it also ensures that company cannot depend on just on simple facts (Verma and Mahajan, 2014). There are categories of risks that also cover failure in the mechanisms with separate storage, routing, memory and reputation that exist between different tenants. Risks of compliance: there is also an option that while investing on accomplishing certification that can be put under the radar of risk because of the following factors: - The CP never provides any evidence associated with their compliance with important needs. The concept never permits audit that happens by cloud customers. Management interface settlement: the concept helps in providing the users with a management interface in order to gain resources on public infrastructure for cloud. This further makes the interface present over the internet that permit with remote access based applications or browsers based vulnerabilities to permit the access on different resources from so many unauthorized users (Wei et al., 2014). Protection of data: the concept is also possible to save the data in different ways that are not known to the user because of the user can lose control over the governance of data. The issue becomes even more common especially when data can be transferred that exists often between diverse locations. On the other hand, there are abundance of CPs that can provide with relevant data on how it can be handled by them with other form of CPs in addition to different addition summaries of certificates on the data that can be processes and under security operations. Insecure data deletion: there are many types of system that is based on request of the resource deletion will not wiped completely. These are the cases with cloud computing also. In addition, challenges can delete the resources on time and will arise because of multi-tenancy or because of the facts that many copies of such resources are present for multiple redundancy factors. In such cases, risk can add to the protection of data of the user is common (Rittinghouse and Ransome, 2016). Malicious insiders: the possibility that any insider can intentionally causes damage and for the same reason, a policy specified with roles for every user should also be present. The risk discussed above consist of top level of security challenges and risks of cloud computing in addition to categories based risks into diverse policies and organization risks, legal, technical and in the end specific kind of risks (Inukollu et al., 2014). Vulnerabilities There are lists of diverse vulnerability that can be followed and does not cover the complete possibility of cloud computing vulnerabilities and it is done with the help of different details. AAA vulnerabilities: it is important to understand that special care must be taken in case of authentication, accounting systems and authorization that CPs will be utilized. Poorly designed AAA systems can also result in different authorized users to have proper access on different set of resources with unwanted solution for the users as well as CP. User based provision and vulnerabilities: customers have no control on process of provision and identity of the consumers is not rightly verified at registration process. There are also delays in the synchronization process that exist between the current cloud system elements and there are multiple as well as unsynchronized copies for the identity of data (Dinh et al., 2013). It is also important to note here that the credentials are vulnerable by nature to intercept as well as replay. De-provisioning vulnerabilities of user: because of the delay in time, the credentials of the user have earlier logged out and can make it appear to be valid. Management interface and remote access to it: in theoretical sense, this permits all kind of vulnerabilities with end point machines in order to make a settlement the infrastructure of the cloud. For instance, weak authentication of responses and varied requests associated with it (Rong et al., 2013). Hypervisor vulnerabilities: in the current of virtualization, hypervisor is actually a small piece of middleware that is utilized to be able to maintain control of the physical resources can assign for every VM. Exploiting the hyper vision layer comes with solution on exploitation with each single VM on a physical based system. Resource isolation: there are resources used by one consumer can impact resource used by another consumers. For instance, infrastructure of IaaS uses different systems on which present physical resources are shared among VMs and this is why there are different or multiple users (Xiao and Xiao, 2013). Lack in reputation isolation: the shared resources can further come out as an outcome where on user act in a way that the actions influence the reputation for other users. Vulnerabilities through communication based encryption: data should move across the internet or among diverse locations that exist within the premises of CP and it is possible that someone might read the data when the authentication is poor with fewer acceptances of self signed certificates. Lack of encryption of archives and data: in connection with the above discussion, there is a failure in encrypting the data present in the transit and data is also held as per the databases and archives with virtual level machine based images, forensic image as well as the data with sensitive logs and other data at rest for people those at risk (Puthal et al., 2015). Bad key management process: the infrastructure of cloud computing needs the management and storage of many kinds of keys. For instance, it consists of session based keys to save the data in transit with file encryption keys, identifying key pairs for cloud providers and many more. Since, virtual machinery does not have a fixed kind of hardware based infrastructure and cloud related content tends to get distributed in geographic manner. It is also challenging to apply such kind of standard based controls like hardware security model based storage and with varied keys on cloud infrastructure (Ali et al., 2015). Key generation: there is low level of entropy for some random number of generation and this combination of standard system based image with virtualization methods also lack input devices which also means that the present system have less entropy than any physical RNGs. Lack of solutions and standard technologies: this is actually the case of lock-in risk where the user is unable to move across different kind of providers because of lack in standards. No vulnerability assessment process: when CP is not able to save the users from any kind of port scanning and evaluating all possible types of vulnerabilities and there is no kind of audit on the time of its usage for the user with serious infrastructure security issues can arise (Arora et al., 2013). Forensic readiness is low: it is important to note here that the cloud has the power to improve the forensic readiness and many providers do not provide right kind of services and terms of usage also helps in enabling this. Sensitivity in media based sanitization: there is a shared tenancy of present physical storage resources which also means that sensitive data can leak since the data based destruction policies can be applied at the end of a lifecycle and it is sometimes impossible to execute. For instance, media cannot be destroyed physically since there is a disk which still being utilized by another tenant with no process in place (Ryan, 2013). Contractual obligations or synchronized accountabilities are external to cloud: the cloud based customers are usually not aware of the accountabilities which are assigned to them within the terms of services. There is also a tendency towards a misplaces features of responsibility for function like archive based encryption to the varied cloud providers even when it is stated in term of contract between the two parties with no accountability (Tao et al., 2014). Cross cloud application with hidden reliance: there hidden dependencies that exist in several services like supply chain and the cloud provider architect does not always support constant operations from the cloud when the third party is involved along with subcontractor or the customer related company have been distinguished from the service provider. Conclusion The report has discussed in detail about the overview of the concept called cloud computing and there is also a discussion on security measure taken on different cloud computing means. In addition, it is also easier for the reader to be clearer about the advantages as well as risks of moving towards different cloud computing techniques. There are various kinds of vulnerabilities of cloud computing that are listed as those who can be described and permits the users to have a complete view of what are the different consideration that can be kept in mind while moving on to this concept (Pearson, 2013). It is also well known fact that exhaustive level risk along with right security measures cannot be recommended on the implementation of cloud computing. The control level should always rely on the evaluation done before. There is still some scope of open based research areas on improving the security. Reference Hashizume, K., Rosado, D.G., Fernndez-Medina, E. and Fernandez, E.B., 2013. An analysis of security issues for cloud computing.Journal of Internet Services and Applications,4(1), p.5. Ahmed, M. and Hossain, M.A., 2014. Cloud computing and security issues in the cloud.International Journal of Network Security Its Applications,6(1), p.25. Almorsy, M., Grundy, J. and Mller, I., 2016. An analysis of the cloud computing security problem.arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01107. Modi, C., Patel, D., Borisaniya, B., Patel, A. and Rajarajan, M., 2013. A survey on security issues and solutions at different layers of Cloud computing.The Journal of Supercomputing,63(2), pp.561-592. 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Sunday, November 24, 2019

High School Term Paper

High School Term Paper High School Term Paper High School Term Paper: What Are The Important Advices? How to write the excellent high school term paper, even if you are neither Pushkin nor Bernard Show? Let the thought about pen and paper (or the keyboard) be pleasant! Do what you want and our site will take care of your assignment! Order your high school term paper with us! Certainly it is possible to use the Internet, and it is 'honestly' to download needed assignment, but in such case how about your undisclosed talent, about your impetuous desire to leave a trace on the Earth and how about plagiarism? Ability to state OWN thoughts orally and in writing is one of the most necessary skills of any cultural person. It has been since Plato's times and so will be always! The Structure Of High School Term Paper The structure of this high school term paper is unusually simple and well thought-out. 1. Introduction High school term paper introduction depends on a high school term paper kind (description, reasoning, persuasion). The descriptive term paper is based on consideration and discussion of any product or article, someone's work. Introduction of it includes the name of the author and the name of its product, the thesis of the author, the main ideas of the high school term paper and your thesis. The term paper reasoning is rather informal kind of the high school term paper, because you express the thoughts and a unique kind paper in which the pronoun I use is possible. Introductions of such high school term paper should contain short history, which opens the reason, which has forced you to consider this, or that topic. The term paper- persuasion is reasoning on any urgent question (a problem of abortions, reasonable increase in taxes to health services etc.). Use of a pronoun I is unacceptable. The arrangement of the main ideas and the thesis is unconditioned (preferably your thesis finishes introduction), but the main thing that components of introduction should be accurately noted. Introdu ction should enumerate main ideas in ascending order of importance; you can finish with the strongest and interesting one in your opinion. 2. Part 2 Logic connection of parts is very important. Therefore, this part usually begins with the sentence, which contains the main idea. But do not copy it from introduction, because it is desirable to paraphrase it using synonyms. Further all part is devoted to disclosing of the main idea. Disclosing has the structure, which is suitable for all other ideas. It has least 3 subparts (under-ideas). 3. Part 3 Structure of it is similar to parts 2 except for the last sentence. It should sum up the ideas, which will let reader know that conclusion of all term paper, the analysis and summary will follow further. 4. Conclusion The conclusion is a sight forward that is attempted to suppose role of the chosen topic in the future or influence of case in the present. Frequently the conclusion begins with a question. Then you should repeat every main idea with a conclusion and the analysis what will be answer to question. The part comes to the end with the same thesis, which has been put by you in introduction. It is desirable to paraphrase it, of course. Your Success and Excellent Grades! You have an excellent opportunity to write your high school term paper with us! No headache and thought-out! No plagiarism and old information! You know that our writing service offers the best price and quality! Contact us without hesitation right now and get supreme results!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

South China Sea petro-politics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

South China Sea petro-politics - Term Paper Example South China Sea is a vast area in the Pacific Ocean that stretches from Singapore to Taiwan and borders mainland china to the North, Philippines to the west, Malaysia to the north east and Indonesia and Vietnam to the south east. South China Sea has remained a major maritime heart of the entire South East Asia region and its strategic location has particularly made it one of the busiest international sea lanes. The geopolitics of the region has been particularly characterized by disputes that dates back to the end of the World War 11 when the bordering states such as Vietnam, mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia began to scramble to occupy the various islands in the region (Burgess, 2003). Historically the South China Sea region has for a long time been considered to a major flashpoint for regional tensions in the Southeast Asia. Although the conflicts have primarily been territorial and political disputes, the main cause of these political challenges is the scramble for the energy resources in the region. This is particularly because the region is estimated to have as high s 213 billion barrels of oil and this is a huge prize. On the other hand, the region also has n abundant natural gas reserves estimated to be around 266 trillion cubic feet and this is nearly 70% of the regions total petroleum resources. Since the 1990s, the disputes in the volatile region have increasingly transformed from a purely territorial conflict to a chain of interconnected conflicts involving competitive claims of oil and gas energy reserves as well as the other ocean resources such as fishing. With an estimated oil and gas energy reserves of nearly 28billion barrels according to American experts, the sensitivity of the regions conflicts has significantly impeded any effort to harness these petro energy resources as well as the effective determination of their economic feasibility of the resources in the region. This paper critically discusses the current petro-politics in the South China Sea with particular focus on the background of events as well as the interplay of the factors that have contributed to the current conflicts in the regions. Geopolitical and territorial disputes in the South China Sea The South China petro-politics has largely been characterized by an interstate dispute over territory and s overeignty of the vast resources found in the area particularly in the two islands of Spratlys and Paracels that are claimed by a number of countries in the region. For instance, according to Shen(2002), China claims almost the entire region stretching hundreds of miles arguing that it has a historical right over the area since it has always been an integral part of China for more than 2000 years. On the other hand, Vietnam has been increasingly disputing China’s historical account and the Asia country maintains that China only began to claim sovereignty over the two islands and the surrounding regions in the 1940s. According to Vietnam, both the chains of Islands and their surrounding regions are entirely within its territory and the country has documents to prove that it has been actively ruling Spratys and Paracels islands since the 17th century. The other major claimant of the energy rich region is Philippines which justifies its claims by its close geographical proximity to the two island chains. Both China and Philippines also claim another island known as Huangyan Island which is 100miles away from the Philippines and 500 miles from china(Manning, 2000). Additionally Malaysia and Brunei are now claiming a significant chunk of the South China Sea territory arguing that the region falls within their economic exclusion zones as defined by the UN convention on the law of the sea which was ratified in 1982.Brunei however does not claim any of the Islands that are currently under dispute. History of the conflict In 1947, the then Chinese government