Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Forensics, Health And Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Forensics, Health And Ethics - Essay Example From this article, it is clear that authorities have the upper hand towards what the corpse might be put into. There would be institutions who would honor legal documents while some would need other supporting documents that families would need to satisfy. With regards to ethics, there are still undetermined standards and guidelines concerning people who are mentally challenged. This should be the aspect of health care and ethics, even forensics, which should be further expounded by different associations. It is to protect the rights of people with the mental problem yet is still very much alive and has the same human rights as any normal human being. Appelbaum (1997) even stated that â€Å"Violations of moral rules, in fact, are an inevitable consequence of the complexity of life.† When emotions are put into play, balancing the facts and ethics sometimes become impossible. Emotions would weigh too much that it is the ethics that will overrule the facts which would create conflicts. Some might even go into extremes just to prove their point even if it is not feasible most of the times. People have lost their loved ones and others have lost their careers by not being able to balance facts and ethics properly. However, for some, it is the facts that are weighed more and unethically make decisions. The latter occurs not much as the prior scenario. There should be a different code of ethics for each branch of health science and healthcare. Answering to the needs of people in different situations would mean different judgments to be considered.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

How risk affect corporate financial strategy Research Paper

How risk affect corporate financial strategy - Research Paper Example Risk is the probability of loss to occur. Corporate financial strategy is affected by various types of risks. This includes political risk. Conflicts and civil wars leads to massive loss of assets by companies. When there is conflict in a country, companies’ property are looted and others destroyed.   Companies located in these countries suffer huge losses since it become hard to protect their investments. Nationalization of industries also poses political risk since companies’ lose their licenses; hence, they cannot continue to operate in these countries. Governments may also increases taxes on companies, making it difficult for any company to continue operating. The second type of risk is interest rate. When higher interest rate is charged on loans, it makes it impossible for companies to fund their operations using loans. Due to high interest rate charged on loans, corporate may fix higher prices on good and services hence reducing the market share as consumer will shift to cheaper goods (Ehrhardt and Eugene 7).The author states that one of the risks is credit risk. This type of risk is most common in banking industry where borrower will fail to meet the obligation to repay the loan in the agreed terms. Other risks occur in book keeping where incorrect figures are entered. Failure of borrowers to repay their loans and errors in book keeping causes huge loses to banking industries. The fourth type of risk is business risk. This is the probability that an auditor will suffer loss to his professional practice.